In addition to physical and occupational therapy, Total Rehab is a full-service clinic offering the high-quality therapy and treatment plans listed below. We prioritize patient education, so you'll know exactly what treatment you're getting and why. Request an appointment today.
Sports Medicine
Sports medicine at Total Rehab is for athletes of all ages. Our individualized treatments are designed to enable a complete return to sport in a timely manner. Throughout your rehab we incorporate sport-specific challenges to maximize your performance when you return to your sport. We also provide each athlete with injury prevention education including an injury prevention exercise program.
Women’s Health/Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
The pelvic floor is made up of muscles, not unlike other parts of the body, and these muscles are responsible for providing support to the abdominal and reproductive organs, control of bowel and bladder function, and regulation of sexual health. When not working properly, one’s quality of life can be significantly impacted. Pelvic floor physical therapy consists of both internal and external manual techniques to improve pelvic floor muscle strength and range of motion, core stabilization and a woman’s understanding of how these systems all work together.
The Graston Technique uses specially designed stainless steel instruments to detect and treat areas exhibiting scar tissue or chronic inflammation.
Clinicians use the instruments with varying shapes to comb over and “catch” on fibrotic tissue, which immediately identifies areas of restriction. Once the tissue has been identified, the instruments break up scar tissue so the body can absorb it.
The Graston Technique reduces pain and increases range of motion. It also:
Improves diagnostic treatment
Increases patient satisfaction by achieving notably better outcomes
Speeds rehabilitation and recovery
Reduces the need for anti-inflammatory medication
Allows the patient to continue to engage in everyday activities
Hand therapy is the science of rehabilitation of the upper limb, which includes the hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder girdle. It is a merging occupational and physical therapy theory and practice that combines comprehensive knowledge of the structure of the upper limb with function and activity. Using specialized skills in assessment, planning and treatment, hand therapists progress the upper limb in order to enhance an individual’s ability and to participate fully in life situations.
A hand therapy specialist provides:
Accurate assessments, immediate care and effective treatment to reduce treatment time
A continuum of care eliminating the need for multiple medical providers
Faster recovery results in decreased medical costs
Functional outcomes ensuring a faster return to work and a productive lifestyle
The most comprehensive care for their patients
Total Rehab in Grinnell is pleased to offer aquatic therapy by using the HydroWorx 300. Water therapy provides a number of health benefits and accelerates our ability to exercise with someone who is injured, disabled or otherwise not capable of comfortably performing exercises on land. The underwater treadmill can be used to help athletes recover from injuries or to regain full-body motion after surgery. This is particularly useful if the athlete or patient is non or partial weight-bearing. The HydroWorx 300 has resistance jets and adjustable speeds to allow for a gradual increase in workout intensity. Adjustable water depth controls allow for easy adjustments to water levels. This allows for a therapist to determine what percentage of the client’s weight should be supported, creating a session that is tailored to the individual’s abilities.
Pediatric Therapy
Pediatric occupational and physical therapy services build skills necessary in school, home and community settings through play, making therapy interactive and fun for children. Both occupational and physical therapy services include treatment of: injuries, delayed motor skill development (delay in crawling, walking, etc.), balance training, and treatment of childhood disorders or disabilities.
In addition, occupational pediatric services also include treatment of attention and sensory impairments, hand strengthening and dexterity, assessment and instruction in handwriting, determining hand dominance and treatment for impaired social skills.
LSVT BIG is an individualized research-based 4-week program for people in all stages of Parkinson’s disease. With over decades of research, evidence has shown this program can improve functional mobility and balance in individuals with Parkinson’s disease. LSVT BIG is comprised of 16 individually tailored visits of amplitude-based exercises.
For more information regarding LSVT BIG:
LSVT Global, Inc.
Phone: 1-888-438-5788
Email: info@LSVTGlobal.com
Website: www.LSVTGlobal.com
Copyright © 2022, LSVT Global, Inc. All rights reserved.
Lymphedema Therapy
Lymphedema results from impaired flow of the lymphatic system. Some initial symptoms of lymphedema can be swelling of feet and hands, feeling of heaviness/aching, decreased range of motion and lymphedema can be associated with recurring infections. Lymphedema therapy includes manual treatment to assist with lymphatic flow, correct compression garments and education.
Vestibular Rehab (dizziness)
At Total Rehab we provide evaluation and treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). BPPV is a common cause of dizziness that usually occurs with changes in position, such as when moving from laying down to sitting up or when rolling over in bed. An evaluation will determine the source of your dizziness and treatment for BPPV is provided at Total Rehab if appropriate. Typically symptoms are resolved within 1-2 treatment sessions.
Industrial Rehab
Industrial rehab services include: injury evaluation and rehabilitation, job analysis, post-offer, pre-placement work screens, work hardening and work conditioning, and functional capacity evaluations.
Dry needling is used by physical therapists with special training for the treatment of pain and movement impairments. The intervention uses a thin filiform needle to penetrate the skin and stimulate underlying myofascial trigger points, muscle and connective tissues. Dry needling is used with the goal of releasing or inactivating trigger points to relieve pain or improve range of motion. Research supports that dry needling improves pain control, reduces muscle tension and normalizes muscle activation and strength.
Patients with a variety of problems often find relief with this technique, including:
Chronic pain
Excessive scar tissue
Neck pain
Low back pain
Sports related injuries
Recurring muscle “knots”
Telehealth services are an option or substitute for onsite care. Telehealth services allow us to continue or begin rehab for members of the communities that we serve. Wondering how to get started? Let us know you are interested and we will help you set up an appointment with your therapist! All you will need is a mobile device/laptop or a computer, with a camera and sound.